domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2021

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas My Dear

How are you today, I hope all is well. Be informed that due to your
delay, your FUND worth (USD$10.5million) in Union Bank of
Switzerland was converted into an ATM-Card which you can use to
withdraw from any ATM Cash Point Machine Worldwide programmed by the
issued bank.
The bank has packaged the ATM CARD with the secret code and
registered it with a courier service. Also you can withdraw the sum of
US$5,000.00 per day. Therefore, quickly contact the agent through
this email address,( )

) for quick shipment with below information:
Full Name........
Home Address..........
Your Country..........
Your Age ............
Your Occupation........
Your Phone Number......

Merry Christmas
Best Regards
Mr. Wilson Peter
Funds Remittance Department.

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